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They are all controlled and has not much freedom.

They don't use the high technology stuff that we are using now days and they also both don't wear very fancy clothes, that makes everyone the same.

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Q: What are the similarities between the giver community and the Amish?
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What is the difference between the giver communityand the Amish?

Giver: - use high technology ' why? because they can control the people's sight, their weather and they are all the same. - they have no memorizes and they would never feel very strong feelings of anything. Amish: just control their freedom and their sense of fashion.

What are some differences between the giver and gathering blue?

The gathering Blue is 100% better the the Giver, but I have a question my slef too, I have to fin the differences and the similarities about the giver and gather blue about when it comes to jobs...any help?

How is The Giver and the Amish the same?

Both "The Giver" and the Amish emphasize simplicity and minimalism in their lifestyles, focusing on core values and traditions. Both also prioritize community harmony and sharing over individualism. Additionally, they both question societal norms and challenge the status quo in their own ways.

What did the receiver not have in the giver?

The receiver in "The Giver" did not have access to memories of the past before the community was created. This is contrasted with the Giver, who holds all memories and emotions for the community.

What is the highest job in the community called in the book The Giver?

The highest job in the community in the book "The Giver" is called the Receiver of Memory.

Who was the giver in the book the giver?

The Giver in the book "The Giver" is a character named The Giver who is responsible for storing the memories of the community and passing them on to the protagonist, Jonas, who is training to become his successor. The Giver's role is to help the community avoid making the same mistakes that led to their highly controlled society.

What is the very last ceremony to be celebrated in the community in the giver?

The very last ceremony celebrated in the community in "The Giver" is the Ceremony of Release.

When was Jonas honest in The Giver?

Jonas was honest when he decided to share his experiences and feelings with The Giver, breaking the rules of his community in order to seek advice and support. His honesty ultimately led to a deeper connection with The Giver and a stronger bond between them.

What is person Vs. person in The Giver?

In "The Giver," person vs. person refers to conflicts that arise between characters. An example of this is the conflict between Jonas and the Chief Elder regarding the truth behind the community's memories and emotions. This type of conflict highlights the struggle between individual beliefs and the rules of society.

Who is The Receiver the giver book chapter two?

In chapter two of "The Giver" by Lois Lowry, The Receiver is revealed to be an elder named The Giver who holds the memories of the community. He is responsible for training and passing on these memories to the new Receiver, Jonas. The relationship between The Giver and Jonas is crucial to the plot of the book.

The giver what the giver real name?

In Lois Lowry's novel "The Giver," the Giver's real name is never revealed. He is simply known as the Giver, as is the role he plays in the community.

Where was the river in the giver located?

The river in "The Giver" was located on the outskirts of the community, beyond the boundary of the controlled environment. Jonas and the Giver accessed it by traveling through the wilderness.