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Because their circulatory system is very similar to ours. Also, the size of our hearts are very close.

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The Sheep's heart isn't evil.

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Q: What are the similarities between the human heart and sheep heart?
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What is similar about a heart and lungs of a sheep to the heart and lungs of a human?

The heart of a sheep is bigger than humans and is positioned slightly differently in the body. Also, instead of having pulmonary arteries and veins they have what's called a pulmonary trunk and the top middle of the heart.

Are there any similarities between sheep lungs and human lungs?

yes there is a huge difference because sheep are fatter than average humans!

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Although sheep and human organs are similar in number, name, and structure, the organs found in sheep are smaller and somewhat different than those of their human counterparts. In spite of the similarities, one cannot exchange organs between the two species.

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cat is a carnivore but sheep is a herbivore

What is the differenc in human vs sheep brain dealing with the ponsmedulla?

The human pons is larger (pons serves as a bridge of communication between cerebellum and cerebrum) The sheep medulla is larger (Medulla controls vital functions (breathing and heart beat))

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There are quite a few differences between sheep cerebellum and human cerebellum. The most noticeable difference is the size of each.

How many valves are in a sheep's heart?

There are 2 valves in a sheep's heart. They are the mitral and tricuspid valve. The sheep also has a 4 chamber heart that is very similar to a human heart.

How much does a beef heart weigh?

A cow heart weights about 5 pounds in a normal situation. By comparison, a human heart and the heart of a sheep weighs about 1 pound.

How much does a beef weigh?

A cow heart weights about 5 pounds in a normal situation. By comparison, a human heart and the heart of a sheep weighs about 1 pound.

When comparing human and sheep brain you observe some profound differences between them Record observations?

When you compare human and sheep brain you observe some profound differences between them. This is because they are differently evolved.

What are the differences between thee two chambers of a sheep heart?


How many chambers does a sheep heart have?

A sheep heart has four chambers.