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Q: What are the temperature ranges in the northern hemisphere?
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What are the temperature ranges in the southern hemisphere?

The temperature ranges in the southern hemisphere vary depending on the location and season. In general, temperatures can range from below freezing in areas like Antarctica to hot and humid in tropical regions like northern Australia. Overall, temperatures in the southern hemisphere tend to be cooler than the northern hemisphere due to its higher proportion of ocean.

Why does the southern hemisphere have smaller annual temperature variations than the northern hemisphere?

The Southern Hemisphere has more ocean than the Northern Hemisphere, which acts as a heat sink, moderating the temperature variations. In the Southern Hemisphere, the distribution of land and water is more uniform, leading to smaller temperature fluctuations. The presence of the Antarctic ice sheet also helps stabilize temperatures in the Southern Hemisphere.

Is china in the northern hemisphere?

Yes, China is located in the northern hemisphere. Its latitude ranges from about 20°N to 40°N, placing the country entirely in the Northern Hemisphere.

What are the mountain ranges in the Northern hemisphere?

The Rocky Mountains.

What is the degrees in the northern hemisphere?

The Northern Hemisphere ranges from 0 degrees at the equator to 90 degrees at the North Pole.

Are there more mountains in the northern hemisphere or the southern hemisphere?

There are more high mountains in the Northern Hemisphere compared to the Southern Hemisphere. The largest mountain ranges, like the Himalayas, Rockies, and Alps, are located in the Northern Hemisphere, which contributes to the overall higher concentration of mountains in this region.

What is the climate of the northern hemisphere?

The climate of the northern hemisphere varies depending on the region. Generally, it ranges from Arctic conditions in the far north to temperate and subtropical climates further south. The northern hemisphere experiences distinct seasons due to the tilt of the Earth's axis.

Why does the southern hemisphere have smaller temperature variations than the northern hemisphere?

There is more open ocean

What is the temperature in the northern hemisphere when is summer season?

72 degrees

Which hemisphere has the warmest average temperature?

The Southern Hemisphere generally has warmer average temperatures compared to the Northern Hemisphere due to greater amounts of ocean coverage and southward distribution of land masses.

As you move north in winterthe temperature is?

dropping, on average, in the northern hemisphere.

What hemisphere is Iceland in?

The northern hemisphere.