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HP Up - Increase the HP of a Pokemon
Protein - +Atk
Iron - +Def
Calcium + Spl Atk
Zinc - +Spl Def
Carbos - + Speed.
PP UP - Increases the PP of one move by 1/5.
PP Max - Increases the PP of one move to maximium. (3/5s)
Rare Candy - Increase Pokemon Lv by one

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use one Pokemon alot after he will get pokerus.


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Q: What are the vitamins of a Pokemon?
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What are Pokemon proteins?

they are vitamins you can give to a Pokemon and it raises their attack.

How do you get vitamins for Pokemon in Pokemon Platinum?

Veilstone City. There is a supermarket there selling them for 9800.

What is the best level to use vitamins on your Pokemon?

It depends more on the Pokemon's happyness rather than what level is on, if you have never used that Pokemon before no matter what level it is on, it is the best time to give it vitamins.

How many vitamins can one Pokemon take?

The vitamins Calcium, Carbos, HP Up, Iron, Protein and Zinc can all be taken by Pokemon to increase their base stat points in Sp. Attack, Speed, HP, Defense, Attack and Sp. Defense respectively. There is a limit on how many a single Pokemon can take, as a Pokemon can easily become the strongest if it could take unlimited amounts. The current limit on the amount of vitamins a single Pokemon can take is about 9 of each kind. So every Pokemon can only take 9 Calciums, 9 Zincs, 9 HP Ups and so on. If you do try to give your Pokemon more (even after waiting for days or even years), a message will come up saying 'It won't have any effect'. Nine vitamins is the maximum amount any Pokemon can have. No, I gave my Pokemon 10 HP up's Well it is 10 vitamins per stat (100 evs +), I realised it training my cranidos.

How do you make a Pokemon happy easier?

give it vitamins and it will get super happy, such as carbon calcium zinc hp-up rare candy and the others that improve Pokemon stats. i use the vitamins on all my poke so they get extra ponts

Where on Pokemon Emerald do you get vitamins?

You mean like Calcium and Zinc? Go to the Slateport Market in Slateport and you should find the Energy Guru. He will sell you vitamins for your Pokemon (they're 9800 dollars each, so they're really expensive).

Where on Pokemon Pearl and Diamond do you get vitamins?

In Veilstone, there is a larger "shop" where there are many things that aren't sold in PokeMarts that you can buy. Vitamins can be found there, the second floor if I remember correctly.

How does roulu evolve?

If you are talking about the Pokemon Riolu, it evolves through happiness. Feeding your Pokemon vitamins, keeping it in your party, and not letting it faint will increase its happiness.

How does tokappi evolve you Pokemon Platinum?

With friendship. Level it up, feed it vitamins, give it massages etc.

Where to get Vitimins in Pokemon Diamond?

You can Vitamins like calcium, iron , etc in the Veilstone City Market. Enjoy =]

Can you evolve golbat by using the exp share in Pokemon platinum?

No you must give it vitamins,happyness, and massages

Why wont your vitamins work when im EV training in the Pokemon black and white 2?

Vitamins will not work once they have been maxed out and typically you can only use 10 Vitamins of each kind per Pokémon before they will no longer work.