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Q: What are three similarities between the muscles of the hand and foot?
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Related questions

What do the muscles in the foot do?

foot muscles

Which two muscles form a stirrup under foot to balance between inversion and eversion?

Peroneus longus and tibialis anterior are the two muscles that form a stirrup under the foot.

How many foot does a human have?

The average foot has twenty six skeletal parts. The human foot also contains thirty three joints and twenty muscles. All these parts work together to make up the human foot.

Are the foot muscles voluntary or involuntary muscles?

voluntary, you control what it does.

What are the similarities between fungi and bacteria?

Both can cause harm to living organisms. An example is that fungi can cause Athletes Foot and Ringworm.

How many tendons are in the foot?

how many tendons are in the foot?The number of tendons in the foot will be roughly equal to two times the number of intrinsic foot muscles plus the number of extrinsic foot muscles. There are 19 or 20 intrinsic foot muscles, therefore 38 to 40 intrinsic foot muscle tendons. How many extrinsic foot muscles?a cord or band of dense, tough, inelastic, white,fibrous tissue, serving to connect a muscle with a bone orpart

Location of muscles that move your toes?

the archilles are the muscles in the toes of your foot

Who has more muscles a football player or a gymnast?

The gymnast have more muscles but the foot ball player has bigger muscles.

Do mussels have muscles?

Bivalves (which include the Mussel family) do have muscles. The muscles are in the creature's 'foot', which is typically used for digging.

What is the size of a barred eagle size?

I believe they get between three to four foot tall.

How many muscles to balance on one foot?


What muscles are needed when running?

Most of the muscles of the body are exercised when running. Of course the foot and leg muscles are needed the most but the muscles of the torso and upper body are used as well.