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It could be said that Jason should be charged rather than Medea. Medea was simply demanding compensation for adultery.

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Q: What arguments and quotes from the play Medea would you use if you were defending Medea in court for murder?
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Why did medea fall in love with Jason?

Medea was made to fall in love with Jason by Aphrodite

Is Jason Medea's husband?

Well the story goes is that Medea betrayed her father for Jason, but Jason didn't like Medea so ran away from her, but yeah he WAS married to her.

What is Jason's one redeeming quality in Medea?

Her name was Medea, even though she went mad.

Why is Medea upset in the beginning of the play?

1. Why is Medea upset in the beginning of the play? 2. What do you think of Jason, that he is willing to leave Medea for the king's daughter? 3. What does Medea say to the Chorus about the plight of women? Is any of what she says relevant to today? 4. Is the Chorus willing to help Medea with what she plans to do? In your own words, what do they tell her? 5. Why does Jason say he went to marry the princess? 6. Do you get the impression Medea loves her children? What from the text makes you think as you do? 7. What does Medea do to the princess, and how does she do it? 8. What does Medea do to her children? Why does she do it? 9. Medea points out several times in the story that she is foreign. How does the story overall make you feel about Greek society? 10. In some versions of the story, Medea flees Corinth and Creon kills her children. Why do you think Euripides wrote the story the way he did instead?

What is the story of Medea in Greek mythology?

in greek mythology, Medea was a sorceress who left her kingdom with a hero named Jason and her little brother. she had managed to help Jason in a situation and they left the kingdom, Jason promisded to marry Medea. However, medea's father was going after them and they had no time so medea killed her little brother and chopped him to pieces to get them sometime and threw the remians into the ocean. Jason was shocked by this event and he left her.

Related questions

Are there any quotes in the Medea play by Euripides that represent Revenge Vs Justice If so can anyone people tell me some Or does anyone know where I can find the quotes with out re-reading?


Are medeas actions justifiable?

This is a question of opinion. Some say that Medea's actions are justifiable because Jason has wronged her in marrying the princess. Others say that Medea has overreacted and that adultery is no ground for murder.

Who was Medus?

Medus, in Greek mythology, was the son of Medea. He became the King of Colchis after the murder of his brother, Perses.

Who was medea's enemy?

Medea made enemies of many people. She betrayed her own people to pursue Jason, and Jason became her enemy when he betrayed her to marry the princess. She also tricked a foreign group of sisters to murder their own father.

How is medea capable of killing her sons?

In Corinth, Jason abandoned Medea for the king's daughter, Glauce.According to the tragic poet Euripides, Medea murdered her two children by Jason.Before the fifth century BC there seems to have been two variants of the myth's conclusion. According to the 7th-century BC poet Eumelus, Medea killed her children by accident.The poet Creophylus, however, blamed their murders on the citizens of Corinth. Medea's deliberate murder of her children, is Euripides' invention which later writers copied.

Who is the protagonist in Medea?


What does the name Medea mean?

The name Medea came from the mythology princess Medea and her husband Jason

What Happend to Medea after she killed the princess that was married to Jason?

After Medea killed the princess that was married to Jason, she was married with Jason. One day, Medea and Jason were at the beach and a ship timber fell on Medea's head. Then Medea died.

Who is kinesias in the story of medea?

Kinesias is not in the Story of Medea. He's in Lysistrata. Jason, Creon, and Aegeus are the Men in Medea

What is the complete name of Medea?

Her name is Medea, nothing more.

Is there Feminism in Medea?

yes there is feminism in Medea. a great deak

Who kills Medea's children?

Medea kills her own children.