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The Battle of Verdun

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Q: What battle was to bleed France white?
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Which German attack on France was to 'bleed the french dry'?

The Battle of Verdun, 1916 is known as bleed the French Army dry. Germany attacked France on February 21, 1916.

German attack on France to bleed the French dry?

The Battle Of Verdun

What is the meaning of 'bleed France white'?

In World War I, the Germans used the tactic of attrition in order to eliminate France from the war. Attrition is the basic concept of fighting your enemy to wear down their forces until they have no more soldiers left. To bleed France white was the act of killing enough French soldiers (blood=red) so that France would have no choice to surrender (surrender=white), referring to the act of bleeding a body until it turned white from blood loss.

Where was battle of France?

At France lol There was no battle OF France - see related answer on battle FOR France.

What attack on France by Germany to bleed them dry?


What did Napoleon do to strengthen France?

he did not weaken France but his last battle was the battle of Waterloo he weaken France then because he lost the battle of Waterloo so it was the end of napoleon at the battle.

Where was the battle of Normandy at?

The Battle for Normandy was fought in Normandy, France.

Is there any heavy white bleed in pregnant ladies?

WHITE bleeding? No.

What began battle for France?

Battle of Normandy

What is no bleed ad?

"Bleed" is when something runs off the edge of the page. A no-bleed ad has white space between the ad and the edge of the page.

Where were the Muslim stopped by the Christian army in France?

It is called in English 'the battle of Tours', but known in France as 'the battle of Poitiers'.

What events in 1916 and 1917 affected Germany's ability to fight strongly?

In 1916 the Germans attempted to "bleed France white" at Verdun and lost the battle after both sides lost a lot of soldiers. And 1917 saw the adoption by the German high command of the unrestricted submarine warfare policy. Shortly after, the US declared war on Germany.