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Q: What can you do if you get wet in the winter while outside?
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Do insects hide in winter in Egypt?

Well, Egypt doesn't really have a winter. It has the DRY SEASON and the WET SEASON.And the insects always stay outside in the warmth.

Why things wet outside while ice inside?

Its called condensation. Look it up

Why do your feet become wet while walking on grass on cold winter morning?

due to water droplets of dew

What is winter like in Utah?

some years very wet while other years we get little to no rain, it varies

How are summer monsoons and winter monsoons alike?

They are both seasonal winds. Winter monsoons cause dry winter while summer monsoons cause wet summer.

Can catfish live outside?

If you mean outside of water it can for a while is kept wet catfish can live outside of water longer than any fish that is required to breath oxygen in water if you mean outside a house than of course

What do I bring to wear in winter in East Lansing Michigan?

Winter can be cold and wet in East Lansing, Michigan. You will need a good winter coat and perhaps thermal clothing for outside. You will need winter boots. Indoors, sweaters, slacks are standard. Women may have long-sleeved dresses or sweaters with wool skirts.

What describes the winter in the Mediterranean?

Warm and wet

Is the desert ever cold and wet?

Yes, many deserts have a wet winter season.

Why are you cold when wet?

You are cold when you are wet because of the chill the wet gives up, if you jump into a ocean in the winter, you'll be freezing.

What gets you wet outside?

The rain.