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The short answer is "matter". From observations of objects, the more matter an object contains, the greater the gravitational force it exerts on objects around it. That theory coincides with observations like gold is heavier than feathers, among others. Some of the more commonly accepted theories postulate that most black holes probably started as stars, some have other ideas. Gravity is one of those things we can observe the direct effect of, but can't directly observe the mechanism of it. If I pull on a rope tied to something, we will come closer to each other. But what is the "rope" that pulls me to the Earth? Why can't I cut that "rope"? Quantum mechanics and general relativity (which I have spent WAY too much time researching) attempt different ways of explaining some of the same phenomena, and someone someday will come up with much more comprehensive ideas. In the meantime... the short answer is "matter".

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Q: What causes black holes to contain gravity?
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Do black holes obey gravity?

actually black holes are the masters of gravity has the most gravity ever

Where do black holes get gravity?

black holes are stars which collapsed under their own gravity.

A black hole has a tremendous amount of?

Gravity. This a known and to some extent an arguably proven fact. But there are also theories that Black holes contain Anti-matter, an entity in inverse existence to "matter".

How did blackholes get their name?

black holes have such great gravity that nothing, not even light can escape them. That is why they were named "black holes".

Are black holes living organisms?

No, black holes are not living organisms, but dead stars with collapsed cores and infinite gravity.

Why do black holes get more dangerous as more stuff falls into them?

Anything that falls into a black hole becomes part of that black hole's mass, which makes the gravity stronger and causes the event horizon to grow larger.

Can you stand on black holes?

No, this is not something material like a table or a chair. Black holes are simply an area in space where gravity is infinite.

What role does gravity play in the formation of black holes?

A black hole is what is left of an object that has completely collapsed under the force of gravity.

How do tides affect black holes?

Given that tides are caused by gravity, and that black holes are a major SOURCE of gravity, it isn't clear that black holes would be affected at all by other gravitational sources. Of course, we can know nothing at all about whatever is inside the event horizon of a black hole.

How is gravity related to black holes?

it is said that there are black holes in space which we have discovered is true and how gravity realates to a black hole is well, a black hole is said to suck away other universes we have not discovered yet gravity pulls things to the ground and a black hole uses that same pull force to suck in universes

How can your move the ore to the yellow docks?

Use the gravity of the black holes

What can you say about black holes?

Black holes were stars that were so massive that they collapsed on itself. The gravity in black holes is infinite and more you get closer to it, more time gets slower. Black holes suck all matter that is too close. Even light can't escape Black holes.