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There are tiny dust-sized particles in Earth's path around the Sun. These particles are usually leftovers from asteroids or comets.
When Earth passes through these particles, they burn up in our atmosphere producing bright lines. This is called a meteor shower.
. . .a group of meteors that have an orbit that intersects the orbit of Earth, resulting in a large number of meteors entering the atmosphere in a relatively short span of time. Said another way. . .

Meteor showers typically come about due to temporarily high concentrations of sun-orbiting debris that crosses the orbital path of Earth and, hence, collide with her atmosphere.

While there are no "comet groups", comets being invariably solitary, debris cast off from a comet during its close approach to the sun can participate as "meteoric" space junk that encounters Earth during a meteor shower. Meteor showers tend to arise from old comets that have broken up and spread out along the comet's orbit. A meteor shower happens when the Earth's orbit intersects one of these old comets' orbits. That is why the same shower happens around the same date each year, and the meteors in that shower all appear from the same 'radiant point'.

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Daryl Kemmer

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How are meteors named?

A meteor shower gets its name from the constellation it appears to emanate from. The meteors of course do not originate in the constellation.

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There is not a very specific amount of meteors falling from the sky could be more than fifty to tens of thousands!

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Meteor shower. It occurs when Earth passes through the debris left behind by a comet, resulting in multiple meteors appearing to come from the same point in the sky.

What is the point called from which the meteors originate in the night sky?

The point from which meteors appear to originate in the night sky is called the radiant. This point marks the direction in the sky from which the meteors appear to be coming during a meteor shower.

What are probable causes of moon indentations?

Meteors, or asteroids.

What color is a meteor shower?

There really isn't a "color" associated with a meteor shower. Individual meteors are usually whitish, with possibly some tinge of another color.

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The vault of the sky

Why there is meteor s hower?

When earth gets collide or just touched by meteors in space the shower occurs

What are the beautiful effect on comets and meteors?

Any "beautiful effect" attributed to comets and meteors is simply the startlingly beautiful effect of observing a substantial meteor shower or plainly visible comet. For most people, experiencing a meteor shower or seeing a comet is an unusual and beautiful event.