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Dark sea blue

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Q: What color was the diamond in the movie Titanic?
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Do they mention the hope diamond in the movie titanic?

The Hope Diamond is not mentioned by that name in the movie Titanic. The stone that is given as a gift, however, bears a remarkable similarity to the Hope Diamond set in a diamond necklace.

What was the name of the diamond on the titanic that the searchers looked for?

The Heart of the Ocean (haven't you seen the movie?)

What movie has a blue diamond necklace in it?

The movie Titanic features a blue diamond necklace. It is known in the film as the "Heart of the Ocean" due to it's heart-shaped diamond and as a result of Rose throwing it into the sea at the end of the movie.

How accurate is the 1997 film Titanic?

The movie "Titanic" that was in black & white was released in 1953. The movie "Titanic " that had color, stared Kate Winslet & Leonardo DiCaprio, & was directed, written, produced, & edited by James Cameron was released in 1997.

What color eyes do Hugo cabret have?

In the movie, it was sky blue to a blue diamond color. He might have had color contacts.

Was the last Titanic survivor in the Titanic movie?

no she is too old to be in the movie

Is the necklace that they found on the Titanic real?

The necklace from the movie was fictional but a replica can be purchased from a company in the UK called White Star Momentos and a society in Massachusetts called the Titanic Historical Society. Having said that, 19 year-old Kate Florence Phillips was eloping to America on Titanic with Henry Samuel Morley, her boss, who had given her a sapphire necklace set-in-diamonds. He was lost but she lived and wore the necklace.

Was the hope diamond on a girl on the titanic?

No. The film Titanic may be what you reference in your question. The blue diamond in the film was a fabrication of the screenwriter. In the real Titanic tragedy, there was no 'Hope diamond'. The (one and only) Hope Diamond is safely displayed in the Smithsonian Natural History Museum in New York City.

What diamond did they use in Titanic the movie?

The "Heart of the Ocean" said to have been worn by Louis XVI before he "lost everything from the neck up."

How many people that were on the Titanic saw the movie Titanic?

About 37 people aboard the Titanic saw the movie

In the 1997 movie Titanic how many carats was the diamond Cal gave to Rose?

a blue 56 carat diamond heart shaped necklace" the heart of the sea"

What was the relationship between the hope diamond and the titanic?

In James Cameron's film, Titanic, a large blue diamond becomes a plot device, given its visibility throughout the film. In real life, the Hope Diamond and the Titanic are only related by existing today in the Northern Hemisphere.