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A boon - Computers allow us to find things that we do not know , get to know people from other countries and even make friends with them. Computers allow us to find different games that interest us and relax ourselves when stress. We listen to songs and music through YouTube and other websites. You will feel relax and enjoyed when listening to your favorite band/singer's songs. Some even said that computer is the best way to gain knowledge anywhere and at anytime.

A bare - You never know what is on the other side of yours , the ones you called friends? Do you really know them so well? Friends or enemies? You never know. If you decide to play ricks with them , the only way is to trust them , but it's your own choice. In virtual world , anything can happen , hackers , traitor , betrayers , they are all commonly found in the so call ''virtual world''. Have fun? or do you mean , have troubles? You can do anything , I mean anything inside there , but think of the consequences. You have no idea who you are facing , if you think you do , yep , the computer screen you mean. Sometimes the person on the other side is a tough and smart person , unless you're lucky or so. Cyber bulling and other sorts of bullying occurs there and no one can help you if you are engross in it. Computers will pull down your grades if you are addicted to them.

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