The country that gained its independence in 1903 was Panama. They gained their freedom from the South American country Columbia.
The people of Africa gained some of their independence from countries like Great Britain. These countries occupied much of Africa and created colonies there.
nertherlannd and maarten
i don't know. that right i asked by direny fortslie
South and Latin America has never gained independence.. Independence means being independent, that of which south America has never received. answer:Many countries in South America gained their independence from Spain between 1823 and 1826. Simón Bolivár was one of the key leaders.
In 1962, Burundi gained independence
66 Countries gained independence from the U.K
Panama gained its indepence in 1903 November 3
This country gained its independence from Britain in 1960.
The country that gained independence from Columbia in 1903 is Panama. The construction of the Panama Canal started after it.
The people of Africa gained some of their independence from countries like Great Britain. These countries occupied much of Africa and created colonies there.
There are many countries in Asia and they gained independence in different ways.
Kenya is one of them...
it gained it in the 1999
On 3 November 1903, Panama broke off from Colombia.
Bolivia was colonized by Spain gained their independence through the Bolivia war of independence..Gracias(=
nertherlannd and maarten