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it was there belief in god and there faith put together

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Q: What customs and beliefs provided strength for the enslaved Africans?
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What are four reasons Africans were enslaved?

Africans were enslaved due to economic exploitation by European colonizers, racial beliefs of African inferiority, the need for cheap labor in the Americas, and the transatlantic slave trade.

How did some enslaved Africans deal with the hardships of their lives?

Some enslaved Africans dealt with the hardships of their lives by forming communities and support networks with their fellow enslaved individuals, practicing their cultural and religious beliefs in secret, and resisting their enslavement through rebellions, escapes, and acts of defiance.

How did enslaved Africans keep their own culture?

Enslaved Africans kept their culture by practicing traditional dances, music, storytelling, and spiritual beliefs in secret gatherings or during times when they were not supervised by slave owners. They also passed down oral histories, songs, and spiritual practices to future generations to preserve their heritage. Additionally, some enslaved Africans incorporated elements of their culture into Christian practices, creating a unique blend of traditions.

How did enslaved Africans help create societies in the new world?

their cultures, values, traditions, and beliefs were kept alive and spread in society

What are two was that enslaved Africans kept memories of their homeland alive?

Enslaved Africans kept memories of their homeland alive through oral traditions, such as storytelling, songs, and dance that passed down cultural practices and history. They also maintained spiritual beliefs and practices that connected them with their African roots, like the veneration of ancestors and nature spirits.

How did enslaved africans create a new culture?

Enslaved Africans created a new culture by blending elements of their diverse African backgrounds with the cultures of the Americas. This resulted in the development of new languages, music, dance, spiritual beliefs, and social customs that were unique to African diaspora communities. Through resistance, adaptation, and creativity, enslaved Africans forged a distinct cultural identity that continues to influence the Americas today.

What culture did the Africans bring?

Enslaved Africans brought their cultural traditions, music, dance, cuisine, spiritual beliefs, and languages to the Americas during the transatlantic slave trade. These cultural elements heavily influenced the development of various aspects of American culture in countries like the United States, Brazil, and the Caribbean.

Did the slaves believe in a god?

Many enslaved individuals did practice religious beliefs and tried to find comfort in their faith during challenging times. Some incorporated aspects of Christianity into their spirituality, while others maintained African spiritual traditions. Religion provided a source of strength, community, and hope for many slaves.

How did revivalism came to the Caribbean?

Revivalism in the Caribbean can be traced back to the period of African enslavement, when enslaved Africans blended their traditional spiritual beliefs with Christianity introduced by European colonizers. This syncretic form of spirituality evolved into various revivalist movements across the region, such as Myalism in Jamaica and Shango in Trinidad and Tobago, characterized by drumming, dancing, and spirit possession as a means of connecting with the divine. Revivalism provided a way for enslaved peoples to maintain their cultural identity, resist oppression, and seek spiritual empowerment.

What was the impact of learning the British language cultural values and beliefs on Africans?

it combine the culture and beliefs ao african

Why did africans make a good choice for slaves for the Americas?

Africans were seen as a good choice for slaves in the Americas for several reasons, including their experience with agricultural work, resistance to tropical diseases, relative immunity to European diseases, and their perceived physical strength which made them suitable for labor-intensive tasks. Additionally, cultural beliefs at the time perpetuated the dehumanization of Africans, making it easier to justify enslaving them.

What was the first European nation to enslave West Africans?

West Africa in the 1400s was home to variety of long-established, sophisticated societies. Most of the enslaved people brought to the Americas in the centuries that followed came from this region, especially from the coats. Their traditions and beliefs, born in Africa. West Africa in the 1400s was home to variety of long-established, sophisticated societies. Most of the enslaved people brought to the Americas in the centuries that followed came from this region, especially from the coats. Their traditions and beliefs, born in Africa. ............................................................................................................................................. i believe it was the French or the Portuguese...