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The African Americans who migrated called themselves "exodusters"

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Q: What did African Americans who migrated into Kansas in the late 1870s call themselves?
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What did African Americans find in kansas?

Wide open spaces.

African Americans who settled in Kansas after the Reconstruction were known as what?


Did African Americans come form Kansas City?

No, they came from West Africa. No doubt Kansas would have been the home of some Native Americans.

What is Nicodemus Kansas?

Nicodemus is a place where African Americans could have their own land of freedom.

What abolitionist launched a campaign to attract African Americans to Kansas in the 1870s?

Benjamin "Pap" Singleton

What was the name given to the African Americans who fled the south and headed to Kansas during the late 1800 and?


Which abolitionist launched a campaign to attract African Americans to Kansas in the 1870s?

Type your answer here... Benjamin "Pap" Singleton

What did the Kansas-Nebraska Act do for African Americans?

Nothing. If it had succeeded, slavery would not have been abolished as early as 1865.

What was the name given to the African Americans who fled the South and headed to Kansas during the late 1800s?


Does the settlement of Nicodemus Kansas still survives today?

Yes. It is located in Kansas and is the only remaining town built by African Americans following the US Civil War.

What geographic feature most likely made Kansas a good place for African Americans to settle in 1877?

The fertile soil and flat terrain of Kansas made it a good place for African Americans to settle in 1877. The state offered opportunities for farming and agriculture, allowing African Americans to establish their own communities and pursue economic independence. Additionally, Kansas had a reputation as a free state with more progressive attitudes towards race and equality compared to other regions.

What Is The African-American Migration?

There was one after the civil war when 60,000 blacks migrated west looking for opportunity in Kansas and Oklahoma. There was another one between 1940 and 1970 when millions of southern blacks migrated north to industrial cities like Chicago and Detroit looking for work.