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When the ship sank in 1912, Halifax played a key role in the rescue and recovery effort. For many passengers, the city became their final resting place. The [Maritime] museum [of the Atlantic] offers photographs and rare artifacts recovered from the ship, including the only known existing deck chair.

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Q: What did Halifax have to do with the Titanic?
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Where is the grave of the passengers that died on the Titanic?

Many of the Titanic victims are buried in the Halifax Cemetery in Halifax,Nova Scotia,Canada. There are a couple of rows of them.

Where there babies on the Titanic?

Yes, there were babies on Titanic. The body of baby Sidney Goodwin, for example, is buried in Halifax, Nova Scotia.

Can people visit the cemetery where people from titanic are buried?

There are people from the Titanic Buried at Mountain View in Vancouver and lots in Halifax.

How does the titanic relate to Nova Scotia?

Indirectly. Although the Titanic was bound for New York, Halifax was the port where bodies from the Titanic were brought and (in many cases) buried.

When did the explosion of Halifax happen?

The Halifax Explosion Happened On December 6 In 1917. You Can Remember The Year Because If You Know What Year The Titanic Sank, The Halifax Explosion Happened 5 Years After That.

Where are Titanic suvivors buried?

I think most are bureid in un-marked graves in Halifax (Novia Scotia - Canada). NOT to be confused with Halifax in North Yorkshire.

Was there a Jack doson on the Titanic?

There was no Jack Dawson on Titanic but Joseph Dawson. a cook, died in the sinking and was recovered and is buried in Halifax, Nova Scotia.

How many bodies not recovered from titanic?

The survivors of the sinking of Titanic were rescued by the Carpathia.

Was Nova Scotia involved in the rescue of titanic survivors?

In a way, yes. Some people were brought to Halifax for medical treatment, though the majority were taken on to New York. For the most part, it was the non-survivors that were brought to Halifax. There is even a graveyard for them (I believe only Titanic victims are interned there).

Is the titanic a Canadian topic?

Canadians play a large part in the story of Titanic. There were 49 Canadians scattered in the lifeboats, there are 209 Titanic victims buried in Halifax, and the furthest west any passengers are buried now is in Winnipeg.