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bucks crate was put into an _ railroad car bucks crate was put into an _ railroad car

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love Broome

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Q: What did the man in the red sweater do after he pried buck from the crate?
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Related questions

What does the man with the red sweater do to Buck?

Sadly, the man in the red sweater beats Buck until he learns what to do and what not to do.

What is the man in the red sweater trying to do?

The man in the red sweater is trying to teach Buck his way so Buck can survive .

Who does Manuel sell buck to in call of the wild?

Manuel sold Buck to some random guy in a park while trying to get some money for his gambling. After that Buck was passed on and on to the Man in the Red Sweater. This man harassed Buck with a club trying to break him in.

How did you feel when manuel sold buck to the man in the red sweater?

How does the man in the red sweater train Buck.

Who teaches buck the law of club?

the man in the red sweater

Who buys buck in Seattle in The Call of the Wild?

A man in a red sweater

What was buck's introduction to primitive law?

buck is introduced to the "primitive law" on a train in Seattle by the man in the red sweater.

What was buck and the teams new job in the call of the wild?

irst there was the man Manuel sold Buck to, a mysterious unnamed man. Then he was brought to the man with the red sweater. After that he was sold to Francis

What are the AR answers call of the wild?


Who bought buck from the man in the red sweater in the book call of the wild?

the law of club and fang actually, the law of club and fang is discussed after that, although i agree it seems appropriate. The man in the red sweater teaches Buck that whoever has a weapon is to be obeyed. A weapon signifies dominance, authority and the ultimate power.

What was bucks introduction to primitive?

buck is introduced to the "primitive law" on a train in Seattle by the man in the red sweater.

What are the 6 lessons Buck learns in The Call of the Wild?

. man in red sweater is lawmaker . . stay strong .