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Q: What did women wear during ancient games of Hera?
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When did women start participating in the Ancient Olynpic games?

Never, but you might be thinking of the Hera Games for young unmarried women.

In Ancient Greece how did women overcome not being allowed to participate in the Olympic Games?

women had their own games to honour Hera the Queen of the gods and also the goddess of marriage and babies

Is goddess Hera the god of children?

No, Hera is the goddess of women and marriage, the child is protected by Artemis or Apollo during birth, the mother is protected by Hera.

What role did Hera play in ancient Greece?

Hera was the Greek goddess of women and marriage. She was married to the king of the gods, Zeus. Her Roman equivalent was Juno.

What are the Heraea Games?

The Heraea games were held during ancient Greek times. They were held for women who were not allowed to watch or participate in the regular Olympic Games. They played all the same events the men did except in a shorter version. The games were called the Heraea games because the were held in honor of the Greek goddess Hera. Hence the name. The games mainly consisted of foot races.

What is HERA's last name of ancient Greece?

what is hera's last name in ancient greek

Could women take part in the ancient Olympic Games?

Women were not allowed to compete in the ancient Olympics, under penalty of death. Married women were not allowed to attend, also under penalty of death. Unmarried women were allowed to attend, as it was thought that the Olympics were a good place for young maidens to meet their future husbands.

Were the Olympian games of ancient Greece a festival in honor of the gods?

actually they were held to keep mrn and boys fit and ready for war. but they dedicated them to zeus, well the men did. the women dedicated theirs to hera.

Who is the mother of ancient Greek goddess Hera?

Rhea was the mother of Hera.

Why does Hera symbolize women?

Hera is the God of fertility and only women can relate to that, so she represents women in a way men can't.

Why is the goddess hera symbol a pomegranate?

Hera is the goddess of marriage, women, and birth, and the pomegranate is a symbol of marriage, marital love, and fruitfulness.

Who was the protector of women?
