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Reoccurring modes of dress for women in the 1800's were bustles, corsets (called "stays" in the early part of the century), petticoats, hoops, pantalets, floor-length dresses for women who had reached puberty. Most undergarments were made of muslin (sometimes silk or more expensive fabric for people who could afford them) and outer clothes were made from calico, lindsey-woolsey, wool and other durable, cheap fabrics that the working class could afford. Of course, those who enjoyed a more comfortable station in life had finer clothes made from finer materials.

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Q: What did you call the dresses back in the 1800s?
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Where can one purchase Forever 21 dresses?

The first place to look for Forever 21 dresses is on the company website where online purchases may be made. They stock cocktail dresses, mini dresses, low-back dresses, and the all important little black dress.