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Muslims believe many things that Christians do not, such as:

  • That God cannot be a Trinity
  • That Jesus was a prophet, but not God or a Divine Incarnation
  • That each person is responsible for atoning for his own sins as opposed to having all sins forgiven by a divine sacrifice
  • That a person should wash before they pray
  • That certain forms of government are condoned or condemned as opposed to only certain laws being condoned or condemned.
  • That Mohammed was a prophet.
  • That people outside of the Judeo-Christian canon were true and just prophets.
  • That orthopraxis is as important if not more so than orthodoxos (i.e. faith alone will not save)
  • That there should be a religious legal tradition
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βˆ™ 10y ago
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βˆ™ 10y ago

Muslims believe Christ was only a prophet, and was never resurrected, unlike Christianity.

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All the people who don't believe what you do are infidels (unbelievers) from your perspective. To Christians, Muslims are the infidels. ________________________________________________________ Christians and Jews call Muslims infidels. However, Muslims call Christians and Jews as "people of the book" as they are holders of the holy books Torah and the Bible that Muslims believe that these holy books are revelations of God.

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No, Muslims do not believe that Jesus is God and Christians do. This is one of the main differences, but there are many more.

What religion do people in sierre Leone believe in?

They are mainly Christians and Muslims.

What is the name of the god of IslamΒ  Is he the same God Christians believe in?

Kind of. Muslims worship Allah, which is Arabic for God. Christians worship the same God, they just don't call him Allah. More importantly, Christians worship Christ, which Muslims do not believe in.

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Christians, Muslims and Jews believe that God is real; Christians, Muslims and Zoroastrians believe hell exists, but Jews do not. There is no objective proof that either God or hell actually exists; it is a matter of faith if you wish to believe.

Why are there differences in christians and Muslims?

*--when Muslims believe in 1 ( One & Only) god Christians believe in 3........ *--when Muslims see Jesus as a beloved prophet of Islam by ALLAH Christians see him as God.......Answer: Christians' belief is sometimes misunderstood -they actually believe exactly the same as Muslims that there is only one God. They believe that this God has revealed Himself in three persons, the Father, the Son (Jesus) and the Holy Spirit, who are all one God, not three.The reason for the various differences ultimately go back to the scriptures each use, the Bible for Christians and the Koran for Islam.