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Q: What do baskets symbolize in pagan traditions?
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What are some greek or roman pagan traditions that have to do with Easter?

The short answer would be, we cast our circles do a ritual celebrating mid-spring, dance around the may pole, have a feast. The rabbid, hare, egg, baskets, etc. used to decorate for easter are based on the pagan use of them to symbolize fertility and the renewel of the earth's being fertile with seeds.

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they wove baskets as a tradition

What are Easter Eggs?

A symbol of fertility in pagan traditions.

What does the straw symbolize in the Easter baskets?

because their is allot of straw and cheese is awesome

Where did the belief system of Wicca originate?

ancient pagan traditions

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The rat of the Chinese zodiac can symbolize wealth and fertility. In other traditions, rats symbolize cunning, wisdom, and a drive to succeed.

Were baskets and eggs part of a pre-Christian pagan holiday in the Spring?

Almost all holidays we celebrate today are Pagan based. Easter is based on the pagan holiday Eostre or Ostara. These holidays are pagan fertility holidays. The eggs and "Easter bunny" of the Christian Easter come from the pagan use of them as fertility symbols.

What does the water libation symbolize?

According to our traditions, it was a form of prayer for rain.

Does Wicca exist?

Yes, Wicca does exist. Wicca is a pagan revivalist religion that incorporates many ancient Celtic traditions with other pagan pantheons.

Do pagans believe in dragons?

There are probably pagan traditions that do believe in dragons as spirits and use them in their spiritual paths.

What was Joan of Arc's culture?

She was a devout Christian but she came from a village in France where Pagan traditions were also practiced and she participated in them.

What are pagan traditions in Beowulf?

In "Beowulf," there are elements of pagan traditions such as references to fate, wyrd, and the power of ancestral spirits. The poem also includes beliefs in supernatural beings like Grendel and his mother, highlighting a blend of pagan and Christian influences. Overall, "Beowulf" reflects a transitional period where Christian beliefs were starting to replace older pagan rituals and beliefs.