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Milky way - "I bet i could take you on in a fight, Andromeda!"

Andromeda - "Bring it on!"

No galaxies do not think!
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Q: What do galaxies think?
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Related questions

Why do they think there are hundreds of thousands of galaxies?

They (scientists) think there are hundreds of thousands of galaxies because the universe is limitless so there may be billions of galaxies!

Is the universe contained in the galaxy?

The universe contains countless galaxies, think of the universe as a galaxy of galaxies.

Is the universe contained in a galaxy?

The universe contains countless galaxies, think of the universe as a galaxy of galaxies.

In heaven can you travel to other galaxies?

maybe but i think not

What is the most numerous of the three galaxies?

i think the dwarft

What do scientists think is the reason that irregular galaxies may not have consistent shapes?

they think that....

What is the shape of the other GALAXIES?

I think they are also spherical as the earth

How many galaxies are in Draco constellation?

I think about 10 billion

Do you think humans will one day see other worlds beyond our galaxy Do you think it's possible to leave our solar system and explore other galaxies and see other planets or life forms big or small?

Yes. Scientists haven't been able to explore other galaxies. I believe that there is life in other galaxies just like Earth. but how do they explore galaxies? i mean how do they know there are other galaxies? do they have any proof of lik=fe on other galaxies? ^^^^^^^

What is a different name for a galaxy?

There aren't really any other names for a galaxy that I can think of, but there are galaxy classifications, such as spiral galaxies (that can rotate either clockwise or counter-clockwise), elliptical galaxies, and irregular galaxies.

Do we need galaxies?

i think we do in order to know our greater expanse of where we live.

What are there more of spiral or elliptical galaxies?

Who do you think I am? A astronamist? Well, I'm not.