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Q: What do the beady black eyes of the fox-face furs represent in the book Milkweed?
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What bug is black and orange and flies and eats milkweed?

Milkweed bug

Is there a poem about a panda?

A black velvet nose, a master of black and white, and black beady eyes

Does a milkweed bug have compound eyes?

Milkweed bugs have oblong bodies that are black and orange-red in color. As its name implies, it feeds on milkweed plants. The adult milkweed bug has the ability to fly.

What does a milkweed bug look like?

They mate from end to end for about 30 mins

What is the bug called that has a black body and orange stripes and out in the spring?

A milkweed bug. I hate them

Why do milkweed bugs have patterns?

Milkweed bugs have distinct red and black patterns on their bodies as a form of warning coloration to signal to predators that they are distasteful or toxic due to the sequestered chemicals from milkweed plants they feed on. This coloration acts as a defense mechanism to deter predators from eating them.

Why are there holes in your milkweed leaves?

Milkweed is famous for being a virtual cafeteria for a large number of insects to feast upon. Perhaps the most beautiful and well-known is the monarch caterpillar, which becomes the monarch butterfly. The monarch caterpillar chews along the edges of leaves. Aphids are also found on milkweed, and tend to feed in large groups on the leaves and stems. The blue milkweed beetle feeds on milkweed and can be responsible for holes in leaves. The four-eyed milkweed beetle is another beetle that eats milkweed and can cause holes. This beetle is red with black spots. Finally, herbicides can cause damage to leaves of milkweed. To take a positive view, holes can be a positive sign that the milkweed is supporting a wide range of insects and butterflies who are dependant on this food source.

What do the black dots on a map represent?

On a map, black dots usually represent capital cities.

Lists of black gospel songs to play and download free?

Some black gospel songs that you can download and play for free include: The Endangered "Calling On You" and Xylos "Not Enough". Also, try out Beady Eye "The Roller".

What colours represent Maori?

Black, white, and red are traditional colors that represent Maori culture and heritage. Black symbolizes the land, white represents purity and spirituality, and red is associated with strength and leadership. These colors are often used in Maori art, tattoos, and ceremonies.

What is a specific definition of a milkweed bug?

"a black crawling insect with red markings that feeds on the juice of the milkweed and is often used in scientific research. Latin name Oncopeltus fasciatus." i looked on cuz i had the same question... Hope It helped.:D

What do the black dots on a map usually represent?

They represent cities.