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No, direct sunshine on your African violet will cause the leaves to have burned spots on them. This should be avoided. Place violets in good bright indirect light such as a North window or artificial lighting such as flourescrnt bulbs.

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14y ago

All you can do is cut off the worst looking leaves, the good thing is new leaves will grow back in a month or so.

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What is the scientific name for African violets?

The scientific name for African violets is Saintpaulia.

What is the amount of sunlight needed to grow African violets?

African violets do not like direct sunlight because the leaves will be burned and unsightly spots will appear. They do need good light from the north or east window. They require 8 to 10 hours a day to bloom well. You can also grow violets using flourescent lighting. Give enough water to keep violets moist (not soaking wet) all the time.

Are African violets autotrophic or heterotrophic?

African Violets are plants and make their own food, so they are autotrophs.

Can African violets cause an allergic reaction?

Yes, African violets emit pollen which can trigger an allergy.

Do African violets have flowers?

Yes, indeed they do. African violets have beautiful flowers, they grow in many colors.

What temperature should you grow African violets?

African violets thrive inside with temperatures between 68 and 85 but can survive hotter temps if there is a fan blowing or air conditioning, please note: they cannot survive direct sun they will burn up.

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What is a good sunblock for African-Americans?

African Americans don't need sunblock because they don't get sun burned is an untue statement!! They do get burned and they do need sunblock. Everyone needs some sort of sun protection.

Is growing African violets a good hobby?

Growing African violets for a hobby is a lot of fun. You can even join the African violet association www.avsa join a club near you and start showing your African violets, it's very rewarding. Also, this is a wonderful hobby for children.

African violets are male or female flowers?

African violets are male and female flowers. They have pistils (the female part) and stamen (the male part)

How do you plant a circumposed 25 foot African violet tree?

African violets can't grow 25 feet tall. Giant African violets are 12-16 inches.