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A smile. I am told it goes along way.

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Q: What do you need while traveling?
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What should you do if you lose your return ticket while traveling?

If you should lose your ticket while traveling you should immediately call the airline you are traveling with. You will need proof of identification. In a case where you can not be refunded for your ticket or have the ticket replaced you may need to purchase a new one.

Do you need to know French while traveling in French Polynesia?

You really dont need to know French while traveling in French Polynesya because you could just have a translator instead but it would be helpful.

What are the benefits of using a travel backpack while traveling?

The benefit of using a travel backpack while traveling is that you can put a lot more items in there. You can pretty much have everything you'll need for a few weeks in the outdoors in a travel backpack.

What happened to judge pyncheons son?

He died while traveling in Europe.

What are the feet on a MacBook charger and what are they for?

They are for if you need to store the charger while traveling, or other such stuff. You pop them out and wrap the cord around them.

Do US Citizen required to have e passport while traveling from state to state?

No. They only need a passport when they leave the US.

Do you need a Visa when traveling from America to Thailand?

Yes, you do need a Visa when traveling from America to Thailand.

Which president often took naps while traveling by car?

William Taft often took naps while traveling by car

How can outdoor survival guides assist you while traveling?

A guide can help you not die when you are traveling.

Do you need a visa when traveling from Canada to the US?

Yes, if you are traveling by plane, train, or boat. No if you are traveling by road

Will the home insurance I bought in Vancouver cover me while I'm traveling in Omaha, NE?

Yes, your home is covered by your insurance while you are traveling.

How do you brake safely while traveling downhill?

To brake safely while traveling downhill, apply steady pressure to the brake all the way down the grade.