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Q: What do you think was the significance of the paragraph beginning soda and Steve and ponyboy put on more hair oil than was necessary?
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What paragraph number did Johnny Cade die in The outsiders?

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Ponyboy Curtis was able to look beyond the madras and money; underneath the greasy hair and switchblade knives. He used his heart to see that all people are the same inside.

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my advise for ponyboy and johnny would be to turn themselves in from the beginning. They were only defending themselves so i dont think anything would happen.

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Darry's crying have such a profound effect on Ponyboy because Ponyboy realizes that Darry does care and love him after all. At the beginning of the story Ponyboy thinks Darry doesn't like and he thinks he likes Sodapop. But then of the story when Darry starts crying, Ponyboy realizes that Darry does care about him.

What music does ponyboy like in The Outsiders?

In the book "The Outsiders" Ponyboy likes Classical rock music and smooth Jizz.

What is the difference between Ponyboy the narrator and Ponyboy the character?

Ponyboy as a narrator and Ponyboy as a characterreally has no distiguistion. The story is narrated or told through the first person~as ponyboy. Ponyboy as a narrator is telling the story, more specifically, the life of Ponyboy as a character and his backdrop.

What does darry tell ponyboy after the fire?

After the fire Darry tells Ponyboy that he was scared of death because Ponyboy ran away. Darry tells Ponyboy that he is sorry for what he did to Ponyboy.

What is PonyBoy and cherry relationship?

They were very good friends in the beginning, but now that new things are happening in the book, so do things with ponyboy and cherry. the thing is, is that ponyboy has always had a thing for cherry, but cherry just thought of them as friends, but in the book, they become not just good friends, but more than that. relationship statis: <3 they love eachother. best thing of all. :)

On the outsiders who does ponyboy find when he gets back from the movies?

Ponyboy doesn't find anybody. He is jumped by Socs in the beginning when he is walking home alone from the movies. Later in the novel, he is walking home with Johnny Cade and Two-Bit Mathews. He and Johnny get jumped by the Socs in the park.

Who are Ponyboy's friends?

The greasers are Ponyboy's friends

What is the subject of pony's theme for English class?

The end of the book refers back to the beginning, and what the author is trying to tell us is that it is Ponyboy who is the fictional writer of the story.