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Q: What does Bart Simpson call Principal Skinners?
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What is a homer sexual?

It is one of Bart Simpson's prank calls on Moe the bartender. Principal Skinner had Bart call his dad at Moe's tavern, but instead of asking for "Homer Simpson" Bart asked for "Homer Sexual." When Moe began his normal yelling threats into the phone Bart handed the phone to Skinner. The principal demanded to speak to Homer Simpson, and Moe apologized saying there was a bad connection or something. Neither man realized what Bart had done.

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Who is Bart Simpson's target to prank call?

Moe Syslak (The Bartender).

Who is Homer Simpson's father?

Abraham J. "Abe" Simpson is Homer J. Simpson's father.

How does Homer call Bart Simpson?

As well as 'Bart', Homer often refers to him as 'boy', 'the boy', or 'you little...'.

Directions from hayward Bart to pacifica?

Take the BART to Colma, then call a cab.

When was The Simpsons in Australia?

There was an episode where the Simpson's go to Australia, It was called, Bart vs Australia. It is episode number 2f13. it was first aired on February 19th 1999. it is in the 6th season. Bart gets in trouble by making a prank phone call to Australia, and he forgets to hang up, so it cost him a whopping $900!!! Bart gets letters, telling him that he has to pay the bill, and then Australia accuses Bart for fraud. America demands Bart to apologize ( so there is not world war 3!) but when he does, that is still not good enough for Australia. They want to kick his ass with a giant boot!!! Homer and Bart leg it and Bart then admits that he deserves the boot, but by the time he makes his mind up, the family are already in a helicopter going to America!!

Where does Bart Yasso call home?

Wherever he lays his hat.

Why does Homer agree to call Bart 'Bart'?

I'm not exactly sure, but Bart is an anagram for brat.

What does Homer Simpson call his pet pig in the Simpson's movie?

He calls it spider pig and harry plopper

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You call them principal square roots.