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Q: What does Robinson crusoe think he needs the most the first time he visits the shipwreck?
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Which event is foreshadowed in the first paragraph from The Story of Robinson Crusoe?

In the first paragraph of "Robinson Crusoe," the event of the protagonist being shipwrecked is foreshadowed. Crusoe mentions how he has experienced blessings and misfortunes and hints at the challenges he will face in the future. This foreshadows his later isolation on a deserted island after a shipwreck.

What does Robinson crusoe stuff in his pocket the first time he swam out to the ship wreck?

Robinson Crusoe stuffs his pockets with some bread and a bottle of rum before swimming out to the shipwreck. He carries them to sustain himself as he explores the wreck.

What things did Robinson Crusoe grow in his plantation?

Robinson Crusoe in the story "Robinson Crusoe" eats whatever he can find to survive. First it is the provisions he found from the shipwreck. Then he eats goats that he found on the island. He also finds fruit to eat.

How were the men rescued from the ship on Robinson Crusoes first voyage?

Robinson Crusoe and the ship's crew were rescued from the shipwreck by a passing Portuguese ship that came upon their sheltered cove. They were taken aboard the ship and brought back to civilization. Crusoe was the only survivor to end up stranded on the deserted island.

When does Robinson Crusoe build the first raft?

Robinson Crusoe builds his first raft in the 30th year of his isolation on the island, after encountering a herd of goats on the other side of a river and realizing he must find a way to reach them. He fashions the raft using materials he salvaged from his wrecked ship.

Where Did Robinson Crusoe Sleep the First Night?

Robinson Crusoe sleeps in a tree on the first night.

Who wrote Robinson Crusoe?

Daniel Defoe wrote Robinson Crusoe. It was first published in 1719 and is considered one of the first English novels.

Where does Robinson Crusoe sleep the first night he is on the island?

Robinson Crusoe sleeps in a tree due to fear of wild animals on his first night on the island.

What type of narration is there in Defoe's Robinson Crusoe?

"Robinson Crusoe" is written in the first-person narration, from the point of view of the protagonist, Robinson Crusoe. This perspective provides readers with a direct insight into Crusoe's thoughts, feelings, and experiences on the deserted island.

What was the first novel of the restoration era?

It was Robinson Crusoe by Defoe.

When does Robinson Crusoe make an umbrella?

On the first rainy season

Robinson Crusoe is written by whom?

Daniel defoe?