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Q: What does Steve Randle look like in the outsider?
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In "The Outsiders" by S.E. Hinton, Steve Randle is described as having dark hair that he combs back, sharp features, and a cocky attitude. He is known for being sarcastic and quick-tempered, often seen wearing his hair in a slicked-back style.

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Herobrine does look like Steve......... execpt for his eyes. They are white unlike Steve

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"Sometimes I feel like I have walked into the middle of a movie." This quote is from the book "Monster" by Walter Dean Myers, where the protagonist, Steve Harmon, reflects on feeling like an outsider in his own life as he navigates the challenges of the criminal justice system.

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all you have to do is get a zombie, or skeleton, or zombie pigman, and then give them a steve head. also you could give them clothes to look nice. the clothes dont have to look like steve clothes.

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no you idiotic nut

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How does the author establish the painter lady as an outsider? The author stresses that the painter lady is from out of the country and doesn't look like the people in town. ... The author stresses how much the painter lady dislikes the narrator to show that she is unable to get along with people in town.

Does the falcon's head coach look like Steve Martin?

Well, they both have white hair.