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Cara and Mady Gosselin's old room was pink and in the attic but their new room is blue with a walk in closet on the other side of the house away from the sextuplets.

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Does the gosselins have good friends?

i think the gosselins do have good friends. especially Beth Carson who would take in all 6 of the little kids at once. she would even take mady and cara too

How are cara and mady handling the divorce?

Cara cried but Mady said it was excpected.

Which type of twins are Cara and Mady Gosselin - identical or fraternal?

Cara and Mady Gosselin are faternal twins.

What are the Gosselins favorite subjects in school?

Cara Reading Mady Math And Science Alexis English Hannah Science Aaden Science Collin Encore Leah Encore Joel Gym

What is the height of cara and madylen gosselin?

Cara- 61 Mady- 60

Related questions

When is cara gosselins birthday?

Mady and Cara Gossekin were born October 8, 2000.

Do any of the Gosselins keep a journal or diary?

Yes Mady and Cara do

Are the Gosselins already in school?

Yes. Cara and Mady are in elementry school and the sextuplets are in kindergarten.

What are mady gosselins hobbies?

I only know one & that is cooking. It was shown in one of the episodes where Mady & Cara i think went to a cooking class.

Do Mady and Cara have clubpenguin and stardoll?

All accounts on Clubpenguin or Stardoll that claim to be the Gosselins have been proven to be fake.

When Cara and Mady start walking?

I hae heard they started walking t 11 months by my friends who are friends with the Gosselins.

If Mady and Cara Gosselin have webkinz what are their usernames?

I see you've noticed their Webkinz! Unfortunately unless you know the Gosselins you cannot get their usernames.

Does the gosselins have good friends?

i think the gosselins do have good friends. especially Beth Carson who would take in all 6 of the little kids at once. she would even take mady and cara too

How old is the gosselins family?

Jon Gosselin- 32 Kate Gosselin- 35 Cara and Mady Gosselin- 8 and will be 9 this October Sextuplets- 5

Do the Gosselins go to school as of 2011 and 2012?

Yes, Mady and Cara are in 5th grade and currently they are 11, The sextuplets are in 2nd grade and they are 7 at the moment.

How much do cara and mady gosselin weigh?

I would say Cara and Mady weigh around 60 pounds. Like 57,58,59,60,61, or 62.

Who is older Mady or Cara?

cara was born 6 minutes before mady