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Q: What does gene Kranz get from his wife for good luck?
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American actor Fran Kranz does appear to be unmarried and single as of August 2013. Kranz has appeared in Dollhouse, JourneyQuest, The Good Wife, and Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Rodrick Rules among some other things.

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No it was Katherine. GOOD LUCK

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mrs monahan

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Buena suerte para ti y para tu esposa.

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She was killed by her mother and her body has never been found..... :) Good luck :)

Who is Gene Monahan's first wife?

Elizabeth Joan Zieg

What can I do when my wife says the spark is gone in our marriage?

The best person to answer your question is your wife. You need to ask her just what she means and what she would suggest you two do together to rekindle the sparks. Good luck!

What is the name of actor gene wilder deceased wife?

Gilda Radner.

Your wife and you both have brown eyes your son has blue can this be right?

Yes. You both carry the gene for blue eyes as a recessive gene.