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• Being indirect in order to find out the truth

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Q: What does it mean by Indirections find directions out in Hamlet?
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When was Hamlet made?

You mean William Shakespeare's Hamlet? It was written around 1600.

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This expression does not occur in Shakespeare's Hamlet anywhere.

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Toutes directions means 'all directions' in French.

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This is from Hamlet. What it means is that Hamlet suspected his father was murdered. Which he was, but at that stage he didnt know this.

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I believe that he is speaking about Hamlet Senior and his recent death, that it is fresh.

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I think it means nay

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The play did not indicate what people thought about Old Hamlet's death, the cause, I mean.

How did ghosts enter the stage at the Globe Theatre?

Not real ghosts, presumably, but stage ghosts. Ghosts appear in the following Shakespearean plays: Hamlet, Julius Caesar, and Richard III. In Hamlet, the stage directions say only "Enter Ghost", which could mean that he entered through the same doors of all the other actors. Indeed in Act 1 Scene 5 he must enter through the same door as Hamlet as Hamlet is following him. The same can be said for Caesar's Ghost and the Ghosts in Richard III. They could also appear on the balcony. Using the trapdoor would have been awkward and ineffective.

Where did the saying to be or not to become from?

If you mean "To be or not to be", it's from the play Hamlet by William Shakespeare.