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Q: What does ponyboy mean when he says johnny is dead but he isn't?
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What were Johnny and last words to Ponyboy What does he mean by them?

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What is the mean thing that Ponyboy says to Johnny?

i dont use my head alot

Why does johnny stab the Soc?

Johnny kills a soc because they were drowning Ponyboy.

What does ponyboy mean on page 39 when he says johnny and you understood each other without saying anything?

Ponyboy and Johnny are two of the main characters, and best friends, in the novel "The Outsiders." What Ponyboy means in this quote is that he and Johnny know each other so well that nothing needs to be said for the two to know what the other is thinking.

What do Johnny's last words to ponyboy mean?

"Stay gold Ponyboy. Stay gold....." (< those were Johnny's last words)

What does southern gentlemen had nothing on johnny cade mean?

when johnny and ponyboy were held up in that church they read gone with the wind and johnny was talking about how brave those southern gentlemen were. ponyboy meant that when johnny saved those little kids he was much braver then them.

What does it mean when Johnny tells Ponyboy to stay golden in The Outsiders by S E Hinton?

it means to stay who you are and don't change

What does Two-Bit mean when he says we could get along without anyone but Johnny?

TwoBit says this because Johnny was the most like Ponyboy, so they were very good friends

Isnt Avril lavigne's die?

If you mean "is Avril lavigne dead" She isn't and neither is her mother

What does Ponyboy mean when he says Johnny and I understood each other without even saying anything?

Ponyboy means that he and Johnny formed a special bond with each other, and felt the same feelings about certain situations.

Johnny Depp's mom dead?

really? thats mean, but hell no she is not dead at this date, (2011)

What does two-bit mean when he says that ponyboy and johnny have been heroes from the beginning?

it means that just cuz they are greasers it ait mean they cant ever help somebody