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did you stick it in and...

thats all i was able to make out, sorry D= i cant figure it out either XD maybe its just random Kenny muffling

It's "did you stick it in right when the fireplace gave you shadow?" From Season 1 Episode 11 =]

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 12y ago

If you stick it sideways does it do the same

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βˆ™ 14y ago

It changes from season to season.

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Q: What does the South Park Kenny bobblehead say?
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What is the episode of south park they say in class?

this is the south park movie

What do cartman and Kenny say in the south park opening sequences?

If your on about the theme tune this is it in full: Les: Going down to south park gonna have myself a time! Stan and Kyle: Friendly faces everywhere! Humble folks without temptation! Les: Going down to south park gonna leave my woes behind! Cartman: Ample parking day or night! People spouting "Howdy neighbor!" Les: Headin' on down to south park gonna see if i can't unwind! Kenny: Mountain towns folk with big hearts! Come celebrate in South Park! Les: So come on down to south park and meet some friends of mine! (Kenny: I like girls with sexy titties, I love girls with big vaginas!) Seasons 1-6 I hope this helped!

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South Park the Movie

What is the value of an autographed bobblehead by tyreke evans?

If it was an early bobblehead, it would probably go for $50. But if it was current, I would say not much more than the price of which you bought it.

How do you say bobblehead in Japanese?

ボブルヘッド (Boburuheddo) 首振り人形 /ku bi fu ri nin gyou/ means 'bobblehead (doll)' in Japanese.

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Does South Park say the N word?

i think they do

All the characters from south park?

I can't say all but here's what I know: Kenny, Kyle, Cartman, Stan, Butters, Tweek, Pip, Chef, Timmy, Jimmy, Mr. Garison, Tyson, Baybay, Helen, Linda, Steven

How do you say Kenny in India?


When was the first season of south park?

I should say 1997

What did they say on south park episode 201?

The word that is censored is Mohammad

Why Kenny dies so much in south park?

because at the end of season four Matt and trey said " cause he's poor " ^^^Correction As you can see on south park, Kenny always has his "orange coat". That orange coat is cursed by his ancestor which makes him always die, But his ancestor makes sure he gets brought back to life! Hope this helped:)~EllieRG