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After doing extensive research, I found that the small symbol on his chest didn't mean anything particular, so I have to assume that it is simply decorative. Perhaps it symbolizes Mandalorian superiority.

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Q: What does the emblem on boba fett's chest armor represent?
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Is jango fett boba fetts son?

Jjango Fett brought Boba up as his son but when the clones where getting made Jango got give Boba was given to he was a genetic clone given to Jango as being the genetic host of the clone army so no, Boba fett is not actually jango fetts son simply an unaltered clone that he raised as his own.

Who is jango fetts wife?

Jango Fett doesn't have a wife. Even though Boba Fett is his son, Boba was born as a a clone. But he did not have the growth acceleration the other clones had.

Who is Jango Fetts Dad?

His first name has never been given. But he was a farmer by trade and owned a homestead on Concord Dawn. And Jango wasn't his only child: he also had a daughter named Arla. To read more about him, follow the related link below.

Who played Yoda in Star Wars 2 attack of the clones?

The Jedi that killed Darth Sidious was Anakin Skywalker. Sidious died in Episode VI Return of the Jedi.To tell you the truth that was only the first time he was killed. He was reborn in the body of a clone he created specifically for this purpose. He died for the last time a few years later from the combination of a blaster shot to the back sent from Han Solo. And then when he tried to in body Anakin Solo, the dieing Empatojayos Brand intercepted the spirit and dragged it with him deep into the force so that he could not come back again. So ya that's a more complete answer.cwo wo wo hold on dude Darth Vader killed him in episode III anakin turned into Darth Vader then in episode VI luke was able to turn Darth Vader aka lukes father back to the jedi then Darth Vader died afterwards because the emporor was using force lightning on luke then Vader got zaped when he picked up the emporor and threw hi down the pit like took him to an e-vac ship because the deathstar was going to blow up but dv was not going to live because of his injerys so Darth Vader asked luke to remove his mask so he could for once se his son with his own eyes then luke removed him mask then................................. you are going to have to watch the movie but no jedi killed the empoor it was a sith lord

How do you get minikits on Lego Star Wars?

You usually need to play in free play to get them. You also usually have to do something special that is not in the story line to get them. Once it has appeared, or you spot it, you just have to walk up to it and you will collect it. Most of them require a special character: Jedi: They can jump twice and use the Force. Protocol Droid: They cannot jump, but they can access C3PO panels. High Jumper: Gungans and General Grievous can jump especially high. Grappler: Non-droid gunners can use red grapple points with grapple hooks. Sith: They can use the Force on red glowing objects or black objects. Some have the ability to Force Choke or do Sith Lightning. Astromech Droid: They have jetpacks and can access R2D2 panels. Short Character: Boba Fett (Boy), Anakin (Boy), Ewoks, and Ugnaughts can crawl through vents. Imperial Character: Stormtroopers, Clone Troopers, Darth Vader, and Darth Sidious can use the white panels with a stormtrooper on them. Bounty Hunter: The Fetts can jetpack and most (except Bib Fortuna) can throw thermal detonators. All can access green Boba Fett panels. TIE Fighter: TIE Fighters, Interceptors, and Vaders TIE Advanced x1 can access red gates. Tow Cable Vehicle: The Snowspeeder and Republic Gunship can tow towable bombs and trip AT-ATs.

Related questions

What do the words on boba fetts chest?

The emblem is the symbol of the Mandalorian journeyman protector. The wheat stalk indicated he was from Concord Dawn, the reverse F is a mark indicating he was an elder in the organization and the blood drop simply indicated mandalorian blood.

Why did Jango Fetts Slave I turn green when he gave it to boba?

Boba painted it to match his armor which he also painted.

What is the name of boba fetts immitater in the comic books?

Jodo Kast.

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Is jango fetts Lego slave1 coming in 2012?

That's what I'm thinking too.

Do you ever see boba fetts face besides when hes a kid?

I don't think so.

Why did jango fetts ship turn green when he gave it to boba?

Boba just painted it green.

How do you get CHEAT CODE FOR boba fetts ship?

go look here they got everything

How Many Fetts are There?

Not sure what you're referring to are two that I know of Boba Fett and his father, Jenga Fett, but there are probably more.

What airsoft pistol look closest to jango fetts pistol?

The only thing that could look remotley close to it would be a WE Luger with a long barrel

Is jango fett boba fetts son?

Jjango Fett brought Boba up as his son but when the clones where getting made Jango got give Boba was given to he was a genetic clone given to Jango as being the genetic host of the clone army so no, Boba fett is not actually jango fetts son simply an unaltered clone that he raised as his own.

Who is jango fetts wife?

Jango Fett doesn't have a wife. Even though Boba Fett is his son, Boba was born as a a clone. But he did not have the growth acceleration the other clones had.