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Reverse Bear Trap:

The device is shown usually on the victim, but in the final movie it shows hoffman inserting two metal sticks into the victims mouth, one for upper, and one for lower. The timer is a normal timer that goes around the clock, when the timer's button is hit, and when it rings the bear trap opens up, the two metal sticks assist the opening and ripping the jaws open.

Reverse Bear Trap 2.0:

It is shown that Jill inserts this trap on hoffman, as it doesnt go off it hints the same purpose. Instead of having the two metal sticks it looks like a < on each side of your mouth. This one is light than the original version. There is a virtual timer on this one, it sets 60 seconds, obvs ripping the persons mouth open.

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13y ago

A bear trap snaps shut, right? So the reverse bear trap flies open. The device is implanted into the victim's mouth, and once the timer goes off, >BAM!< the device smashes open and completely rips apart and destroys the victim's jaw, face, and head.

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Q: What does the reverse bear trap on saw do?
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What is the most popular trap from saw?

the reverse bear trap

How do you make a reverse bear trap?

you just turn the bear trap inside out

What are the trap for saw 6?

1. The Barbed Wire Noose Trap. 2. The Steam Trap. 3. The Oxygen Trap. 4. The Caurosel Trap. 5. The Cube Trap 2.0. 6. The Reverse Bear Trap 2.0.

Are any of the saw traps used in the saw series more than once?

The Reverse Bear Trap from the first film is reused twice: as a modified version in Saw VI, and the original is used in Saw 3D. You could also count the bathroom trap from Saw, which returned at the end of II/beginning of III, and the end of Saw 3D.

Will Jill die in Saw 3d?

Unfortuanetly Jill DOES die. She isn't killed by the blade train (that was a nightmare of Jill's) Hoffan puts her in a reverse bear trap.

What was in the lock box in SAW V that was given to jigsaws wife?

Jigsaw gave Jill the Reverse Bear Trap in the box, which she uses on Hoffman to kill him; he survived though.

Who is the Apprentice of Jigsaw in saw 2 and 3?

Amanda, the girl who had survived the backwards bear-trap in the first Saw.

What are the punishments used in the movie saw?

1. The Razor Wire Maze. 2. The Flammable Jelly. 3. The Reverse Bear Trap. 4. The Drill Chair. 5. The Quadruple Shotgun Hallway. 6. The Bathroom.

How do you make a bear trap bear trap?

The Bear itself is a trap to the Bear Trap because both the bear and the trap are unable to comprehend the situation,............... and because all things in the universe have a spirit coursing through them.

How do you trap the mouse with a bear trap in beat the boss 2?

Buy a bear trap

What is a bear trap?

A bear trap is a large trap intended to catch a bear or some other mammal, particularly their feet.

When were bear trap invented?

the bear trap was invented in the 17th century