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Q: What effect does plot?
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what does the contribute to the total effect

How do you identify the plot?

The plot is just what happens in the story. Tell someone what happened in the story and you have the plot. Aristotle says that plot is "the arrangement of the incidents" according to cause and effect.

What is the plot of the movies 'After Effect'?

The plot of the movie 'After Effect' revolves around an art institute and it's boss struggling for fulfillment and explores his relationship with model. The movie was released in 2007.

How did Harriet Tubman's qualities effect the plot and outcome of her story?

She was brave

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What is the definition of the word plot when relating to a story?

Aristotle defines plot as "the arrangement of the incidents [action, episodes, scenes] according to cause and effect."

How is Plot Affected By Cause And Effect?

Plot is driven by causes that lead to effects, creating a chain of events that move the story forward. Cause and effect relationships build tension, create conflict, and shape character development in a narrative. The interconnected events in a plot contribute to a sense of realism and coherence in the story.

Is plot and climax similar?

No. The plot is the events that happen in a story. The setting is where those events take place. The plot can effect the setting and the setting can effect the plot. They are separate, but important elements of story.

What effect did William Shakespeare have on modern Broadway plays?

== ==Many plot lines are based on Shakespeare's plays. For example, the plot of West Side Story is a lot like Romeo and Juliet, and the plot of The Lion King is a lot like Hamlet.

what is a plot element?

Sequence of events In a literary work, film, or other narrative, the plot is the sequence of events in which each event affects the next one through the principle of cause-and-effect.

The plot of a story is?

A literary term, a plot is all the events in a story particularly rendered toward the achievement of some particular artistic or emotional effect or general theme. An intricate, complicated plot is known as an imbroglio, but even the simplest statements of plot can have multiple inferences, such as with songs in the ballad tradition. Basically a plot is the story line or the way a story is written.

How do you investigate the effect on period of a pendulum if length is altered?

You measure the period of the pendulum for different lengths. Plot the results on a scatter plot and see if you can work out the nature of the relationship between the two variables.