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The robin is a member of the bluebird and thrush species. More specifically, the scientific Family name is Turdidae

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Q: What family does a robin come from?
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What is a Robin's order?

A robin is a thrush..Family Turdidae.

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Red Robin - Kingdom Come - was created in 1996.

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Robin B. Langley has written: 'The Cantey family history' -- subject(s): Family

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A Death in the Family

Is that robin's real family in the chantix commercial?

yes it is.

What culture does Robin Hood come from?

Robin Hood, English folklore hero. They have been arguing for many years about Robin Hood, was he real, who could he be based on etc. No doubt they will be arguing for many more years to come. I refer you to the excellent article our friends from Wikipedia have put together. See the link below

What sort of bird is an American Robin?

The American robin is in the thrush family (Turdidae), and in the "perching bird" order (Passeriformes).