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ofcourse. the necklace has various kinds of figures of speech: "She had become like all the other strong, hard, coarse women of poor households". is a simile. it has hundreds of more figures of speech like metaphors and personification among others

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Similes and metaphors.

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Q: What figures of speech are in the the duchess and the jeweller?
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What kind of the Duchess in The duchess and the jeweller?

The duchess in The Duchess and the Jeweler were greedy. This was a short story written by Virginia Woolf.

Who is the old woman in the picture in the story the duchess and the jeweller?

his mother

Why does the jeweller keep the duchess waiting for ten minutes?

Because it gave the jeweler pleasurevto have the duchess waiting on him

What is the story the duchess and the jeweller about?

This is a story about Moral decline of Royal Family of England . A duchess even can deceive some 1 to restore her status .There is an other character named Oliver Bacon who is the victom of duchess this time .

The duchess and the jeweller publish date?

Virginia Woolf's short story The Duchess and the Jewellerwas published in April 1938 in Harper's Bazaar (London) and in the New York edition the next month.

Can you explain about the stream of consciousness or direct interior monologue in the duchess and the jeweller?

In "The Duchess and the Jeweller" by Virginia Woolf, the stream of consciousness technique is used to reveal the inner thoughts and feelings of the main character, Oliver Bacon. This technique allows readers to gain insight into his complex emotions and motivations as he navigates his relationships and ambitions. The direct interior monologue delves deep into Bacon's psyche, highlighting his insecurities and desires with intense introspection.

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what are the figures of speech in "hurt" written by trent reznor

What are the themes and figures of speech in upon an honest man's fortune?

The figures of speech in the poem are rhyme, personification, diction, and imagery.

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Figures of speech

What is the tagalog of figures of speech?

The Tagalog equivalent for "figures of speech" is "mga anyo ng pananalita" or "mga sugnay na di-tuwirang pahayag."

What are the differences of the figures of speech?

See Related LinksSee the Related Links for "Figures of Speech Explained" to the bottom for the answer. The main figures of speech types are: Tropes, Metaplasmic Figures, Figures of Omission, Figures of Repetition, Figures of Unusual Word Order and Figures of Thought.1 simile2 metaphor3 hyperbole4 personification5 apostrophy6 synecdoche7 onomatopeia8 alliteration9 irony10 analogy11 oxymoron12 paradox13 metonomy14 euphemism15 anthitesis