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Q: What fine grained sedimentary rocks go through compaction?
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How can igneos rocks become sedimentary rocks?

Igneous rocks can become sedimentary rocks through weathering and erosion, deposition, compaction and cementation.

What do heat and pressure do to sedimentary rocks?


What is rock compaction and cemetation?

Sedimentary Rocks

Sedimentary rocks are formed by the process of compaction and?


Why are raindrop impressions are preserved in in fine grained sedimentary rock rather than a coarse grained?

because raindrops have small particles and coarse grained sedimentary rocks have big particles so it is easier for raindrop impressions to occur in fine grained sedimentary rocks

How are sedimentary rocks formed through the physical process?

Metamorphic, igneous, and past sedimentary rocks are turned into sediments by weathering and erosion. Then, the sediment are deposited. Finally, by compaction and/or cementation, a sedimentary rock is formed

What is a type of course grained sedimentary rocks?


How are sedimentary rocks formed through physical process?

Metamorphic, igneous, and past sedimentary rocks are turned into sediments by weathering and erosion. Then, the sediment are deposited. Finally, by compaction and/or cementation, a sedimentary rock is formed

What happens when rocks weathered?

When sedimentary rocks are weathered and eroded, they turn into sediments. And after compaction and cementation of the sediments, it will turn back into sedimentary rock.

How are sedimentary rocks formed in easiest way?

erosion, depsotion, compaction and cementation

Two Process responsible for changing sediments into sedimentary rocks is?

Compaction and cementaion.

What are rocks called that have been made by heat and compaction?

Metamorphic rocks. However care should be taken when using the work compaction, as clastic sedimentary rocks undergo compaction during their formation and are not considered metamorphic. A better word than compaction in this context would be pressure or stress.