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I think they live on the Seventh floor, but I could be wrong...

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There apartment number is 4a.

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Q: What floor do Sheldon and Leonard of the Big Bang Theory live on?
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What is Leonard's IQ from big bang theory?

Leonard's IQ on the Big Bang Theory is about 180. In the pilot episode, Penny asked Leonard and Sheldon to retrieve her TV from her ex's house. When they get to the door, Leonard says "We have a combined IQ of 360."

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Uh.... I don't understand your question. I don't remember an episode of "The Big Bang Theory" in which Sheldon and Leonard did that to each other.

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Raj & Howard liked Leonard, Sheldon & Leonard share an apartment, so they hang out with Sheldon too.

Which of the following is a brief description of the Big Bang Theory?

The Big Bang theory is an American comedy TV show about four geeky guys who don't really understand modern things such as dating. The characters are Leonard, Sheldon, Raj, Howard, and Sheldon and Leonard's neighbour Penny. The show begins with Leonard and Sheldon seeing that they have a new neighbour, Penny. Leonard immediately falls for Penny, and eventually they start going out.

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Amy, like Leonard, Sheldon, Howard, and Raj, works at Caltech.

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He likens her to Dr. McCoy.

Where is The Big Bang Theory house?

The address of Sheldon and Leonard's apartment building is 2311 Los Robles. They live in Pasadena, California.

Where is the The Big Bang Theory house?

The address of Sheldon and Leonard's apartment building is 2311 Los Robles. They live in Pasadena, California.

Who plays Penny on Big Bang Theory?

Penny is the woman who lives next door to Sheldon and Leonard, she works in the Cheesecake Factory and has a small acting career. She also dates/ dated Leonard.

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