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Q: What group of First Nations people lives on the 47 Queen Charlotte Island?
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What groupof first nations people originate in the queen charlotte islands?

The Haida people live on Queen Charlotte Islands

Which first nationband lives on the queen charlotte island?

The Haida live on the Queen Charlotte Islands.

What were the names of the lands and people visited by Leif Ericson?

Baffin Island, Labrador, Newfoundland. The people were American Indians (First Nations).

Who were Albertas first people?

it was the first nations black foot and Cree people that is who the first people in Alberta.

How did contact between various first nations people and the coureurs de bois change the lifestyles of the first nations people?

Hey People Its Michael&Sarah

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Valentin Yordanov and Charlotte Clark

What people were the first nationality?

There were no nations when the first people came about, so they had no nation-ality.

Who were the first nations of eastern north america?

The indigenous people of Alaska and Hawaii were the first nations of eastern North America.

What disagreement exists between First Nations and Canada's government in the interpretation of the treaties?

The first nations were people so were the signs .

Who were the first nations people did christopher Columbus meet?

the first nation people he met was the indies.

What are the beliefs of the first nations people?

First Nations people have diverse belief systems that vary among different tribes, but common beliefs include a deep connection to the land, respect for nature, ancestors, and spirituality, and the importance of oral traditions and ceremonies in passing down cultural knowledge. Overall, there is a strong emphasis on living in harmony with the natural world and honoring the interconnectedness of all living beings.

What did the first nations use buffalo for?

killing people