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It is believed that he is still roaming around at Hogwarts.

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Q: What happened to Headless Nick from Harry Potter?
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I believe that is Nearly Headless Nick.

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== ==

How do you get Nearly Headless Nick on Lego Harry Potter?

Once you're in Dumbledore's office (when you've completed all the levels), you shoot the mirror and you unlock Nearly Headless Nick.

What was the name of the nearly headless Nick in Harry Potter number 1?

sir nicholas de mimsy-porpington

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You don't. He has no character token in that game.

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You don't. He has no character token in that game.

Which ghost speaks to harry in book 1 and 2 of Harry Potter?

Sir Nicholas ("Nearly Headless Nick") appears in most of the Harry Potter books.Moaning Myrtle in HP2And Peeves, but he is a poltergeist, not a ghost.

Who wanted to play with his own head in harry potter?

Nearly Headless Nick Sir Nicholas de Mimsy Porpington

What is Nearly Nick's last name from the book Harry Potter?

Nearly Headless Nick's full names is Nicholas de Mimsy-Porpington

Where do you find the Charms classroom in Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince?

You can find any place by summoning Nearly Headless Nick to lead you there.

Will nearly headless nick the fat friar the grey lady and the bloody baron be in 'Harry Potter and the deathly hallows'?

Yes! One of them will become very important!