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Marconi was never on the titaninc, his radio system was aboard as was operated by Harold Bride and Jack Phillips

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They all died because the Titanic sunk!c;

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Q: What happened to Titanic's Marconi Radio?
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What is Marconi radio?

marconi radio is just actually the first radio that was invented by marconi.

When was Radio Marconi created?

Radio Marconi was created in 1993.

When did guglielmo marconi invented the radio?

Marconi was 20 when he invented the radio.

Who sent the first international radio signal from England to France?

Guglielmo Marconi invented the radio telegraph system

What did marconi invent?

Electromagnetic waves.

What are Marconi's accomplishments?

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How did the crew attract the rescue ships in titanic?

The Marconi Radio operator used Morse code to send out the distress calls CQD and SOS to any ships in the area who would then be able to come to the rescue of Titanics passengers.

Why was Guglielmo Marconi important?

Marconi invented radio.

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What did Guglielmo Marconi accomplishment?

Guglieilmo Marconi accomplished making the radio

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Marconi is associated with the invention of the radio.