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The last time we saw Walt Lloyd off the island was in the Season 5 episode titled "The Life and Death of Jeremy Bentham." In that one, an older and taller Walt was visited outside the New York school he attended by a wheelchair-bound john Locke.

Walt and his father, Michael Dawson, left the island in a motor boat provided by the Others in the Season 2 finale "Live Together, Die Alone." After returning to the United States, Walt lived with maternal grandmother in New York.

Walt, who was 10 years old when Oceanic Airlines Flight 815 crashed on the island on Sept. 22, 2004, had special qualities and premonitions. Long after Walt left the island, some survivors who remained saw apparitions of him.

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Q: What happens to Walt on lost?
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As far as we know, Walt is still alive in the regular time-line. He is living off-island.

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The dog on Lost is named Vincent. He is played by a dog named Madison.

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Well, if I remember correctly, he is taken by the others from the raft. They hold him hostage until, Michael, betrays Hurley, Kate, Sawyer, and Jack, by giving them to the others. Then, Michael gets Walt back and they take off on a boat to go home.

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An artificial limb was said to be once turned in at Lost & Found.

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they are just that- lost.

Who owns Vincent the dog from Lost the TV show?

Vincent belongs to Walt who is the son of Michael