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Then the current will stop flowing.

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Q: What happens when an electric circuit is broken?
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Why can't an electric current exist if the circuit is broken?

If the electric circuit is broken, there will be no medium for transfer of electrons and flow of current. Hence, electric current does not exist.

What happens if the track of the current is broken in a series circuit?

In a series circuit, if the current is broken the flow of all electricity stops.

What happens to an electric current when a circuit is closed?

If the circuit is closed the electric current will be closed as well.

What is a complete electric circuit?

A complete electric circuit is basically an electric circuit in which the electrons flow from negative terminal to positive terminal without any disturbance. The switch has to be closed in order for this to work otherwise, the flow will be broken.

Can you fix a broken electric circuit?

no. you can not fix a broken electric circuit because the wires inside of it would be to badly damaged...and yupperz...your in Friday night scholl:(((..but yeah that's true

What happens when a light bulb is broken in a series circuit?

In that case, the entire circuit won't work.

What is The complete path of an electric current described as?

circuit is the complete path of an electric current including the source of electric energy.

Why electric current cannot exist if an electric circuit is broken?

Current flow is fully based on motion of electrons since there is no possibilities to motion electron in open circuit there no current flow.

What are normally open and close circuits?

The electric path which starts from the positive terminal of a cell or battery ends at its negative terminal, without any break, is called closed electric circuit or complete electric circuit. The electric path,which starts from the positive terminal of a cell or battery, is broken at some point, is called open electric circuit or incomplete electric circuit.

What happens when a fuse burns out when overloaded with too many appliances?

the circuit is broken.

What happens when an electric doorbell button is pushed?

A circuit is made and the bell rings.

What happens when an electric current is interupted?

When the circuit is interrupted, the current stops flowing.