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Q: What has Prometheus come to understand about himself?
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Who is Prometheus in anthem?

Prometheus is the name Equality 7-2521 gives himself after JACOB BLACK AND EDWARD CULLEN.

What was Prometheus's attitude toward humans?

Prometheus felt sympathy for the humans and wanted to help them. He sacrificed himself to give them fire in order to help them.

When did Zeus punish Prometheus?

He chained Prometheus to a rock. Then, he had an eagle come and eat Prometheus's liver. However, Prometheus was immortal so his liver regrew every day. The eagle cam every day and ate Prometheus's liver. Prometheus was finally freed by Hercules, who broke the chains.A note: You might have noticed, but the eagle is one of Zeus's's a bit ironic.

How did the myth Prometheus and io help Greeks understand the world?

Did they need a reason they felt generous,they want to make up for the past

How do you say Prometheus in roman?


What lessons is to be learned by the Prometheus myth?

Well in a nut shell, Prometheus created man. We love what we create because it is like our child. Prometheus knew man would never go far without technology, so like many fathers, he sacrificed himself and paid the price.

Did Prometheus have family members?

If your talking about the film prometheus then no it doesn't have a family because prometheus is the ship.

Where does the name of promethium come from?

The name of the chemical element is derived from the name of the mythological Greek titan Prometheus.

How can Prometheus relate to alien if alien was around in the Mayan times and it shows the first one being born in 2093 in Prometheus?

If I understand your question right you want to know why there where cave drawings of aliens? Those cave drawings were of the white guys (Engineers), not the Xenomorphs.

What does prometheus means?

Prometheus means, "One with foresight". The Olympian god Prometheus had the power of forethought/foresight.

Did Prometheus have children?

The mythological Prometheus had a son named Deucalion. Deucalion was the Greek mythology equivalent of Noah. Zeus caused a great flood while he was angry at King Lycaon. Deucalion (son of Prometheus) created a Chest (same as Ark) to save himself and his wife during the great flood.

What is Prometheus's Roman name?

Prometheus does not have a Roman name.