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Laurence Aufderhar

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2y ago
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14y ago

The seasons occur because of the Earths tilt. This happens because of the angle at which the energy from the Suns rays travels through the Earths atmosphere. During the summer, the hemisphere (north or south) is tilted towards the sun. For example, during the summer of the northern hemisphere, the north pole is pointing in the direction of the Sun. As a result of this the amount of the earths atmosphere blocking the suns rays is thinner. This is because it is horizontal to the sun, instead of being at an angle. In the winter, the opposite is happening. The north pole is pointing away from the sun so that the angle of the atmosphere is much steeper placing more atmosphere between the sun and the earth, thus blocking more energy. To explain this angle effect slightly better, take a book, look at it side on (so that you can see the spine) and whilst holding it vertically measure the thickness of the spine horizontally. Now tilt the book to a 45degree angle and, again, measure the thickness of the book horizontally. You will find that it is slightly thicker when it is at a diagonal angle.

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What happens when the earth is tilted on it axis?

That's what causes the seasons.

Why don't we have seasons if the axis is tilted?

On the contrary, we have seasons precisely because the Earth's axis is tilted.

What is caused by your tilted axis and your orbit?

The seasons are caused by the tilted axis and orbit. The axis is tilted with respect to its orbital plane.

What creates seasons on Earth?

The Earth spins on its tilted axis. This tilt is what causes the seasons. When its axis points towards the sun then it is Summer when it points away is winter.

What causes your planet to have sesons?

The Earth has seasons because it polar axis is tilted relative to its orbit.

What causes seasons and climate zones?

seasons=The seasons result from the Earth's axis being tilted climate zones= being farther away from the Ecuador

What is the property of earth that causes seasons?

the property on earth is actually the sun gravity and time and a tilted axis

How long are Jupiter seasons?

None.Jupiter does not have seasons as easons are caused by a tilted axis, and Jupiter's axis is only tilted 3 degrees (not enough to cause seasons).

What if the earth's axis was tilted on its side?

In a way, the Earth's axis IS tilted on its side, that's why we have seasons.

What if the earth was not tilted on its axis?

if the earth wasn't on tilted on it's axis there wouldn't be any seasons