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Q: What ideas were spread through the silk road?
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What were the most important results of trade along the silk road?

The the legacy of the silk road was that all of the ideas that were spread through the silk road ended up helping other people from other provinces to expanded and achieve great things.

Ideas spread to China along the trade route called what?

The Silk Road.

Which dynasty reopened the Silk Road which spread ideas from Asia to Europe?

The Tang Dynasty

What did China gain through the Silk Road?

the exchange of ideas and inventions

What effect did The Silk Road have on culture?

It brought new materials, inventions, and ideas from China and Eastern Asia to the areas of India, Arabia, and Europe.

How did the silk road impact culture?

the silk road spread Buddhism and got china more attached to the world the silk road was a popular trading route and brought in income

What are the resaults of the silk road?

The silk road was a huge part of our world history it spread many new ideas and innovations it spread Christianity, Buddhism, and Islam as well as other religions it made many civilizations rich and developed silk roads also spread goods from one civilization to the next such as silk from china and spices from India but the silk road also cause diseases such as measles and black plague to spread and wipe out civilizations.

What was one way social and political ideas spread from Asia to the middle east Africa and Europe?

Silk Road.

What was the primary trade route along which Buddhism spread?

The Silk RoadThe Silk Road -Apex Ninja

What was the spice trade and silk road?

the Silk road was a network of trade routes that spread as far as grecce

How did humanists ideas spread throughout Europe?

The main way was by the silk road. Italy is located and the end of the silk road. most of the great humanists are from there and since they were at the end of the silk road, philosophers that came up and down the silk road heard the idea and spread it around, also developing the idea into a far greater one.

How did silk spread and connect people along the silk road?

because of trading.