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then you wash your hands, just dont put them near fire and your okay.

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11y ago

Immediately wash your hands throughly with soap and water. Rinse throughly and you will be fine.

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Q: What if a battery leaks on your hands?
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What happens when you over fill the battery?

it leaks

What happens if you burn a duracell battery with a lighter?

It leaks

Should you replace your battery if it leaks?

Yes you Should

What will happen if the car battery leaks?

Car battery acid goes everywhere; acid can burn the hands if the person is not careful. A battery that is low on acid will not hold a charge as well. Most new car batteries have "cells" which hold the acids, so it's likely one cell is leaking.

Why does a battery corrode?

Batteries, specifically wet cell batteries, mostly corrode due to leaks in their casings. These leaks allow the material inside the battery to seep out and contaminate the battery's metallic casing. This leaked material acts as a catalyst for the oxidation of the metallic casing of the battery, otherwise known as corrosion.

If you swallow a battery how long will it take to leak out and what will happen if it leaks out?

If you swallow a battery I would seek medical attention immediately.

Can you still use a car battery that leaks?

No, you should remove the battery and buy a new one trading the old battery in. The fluid leaking is partially sulfuric acid. It is very corrosive and will eat the paint right off the vehicle. It will cause a serious rust problem. Remove the battery and wash the area down with a mixture of water and baking soda to neutralize the acid. Do not get the fluid on your hands or clothes.

What do you do if a battery pops in your hand?

In the unlikely event that a battery leaks (watery liquid) or pops (white powder) in you hand you should imediently wash it with soap and water.

How do you wash battery acid off hands?


Which is one of the most crippling problems to combat?

classified information leaks out of the unit's network and trickles into the hands

When a flashlight battery corrodes and leaks when stored for a long time is this a chemical or physical change?

It is a chemical change.

What happens when metal wire is connected to a battery?

I believe it causes full power of battery flow to the neg. Where used photons of energy should be. Perhaps it gets hot enough then leaks?